Ventilation: The Key To Quality Indoor Air

Commercial heating plays an important role in the functionality and comfort of your commercial space. While most business owners know that they need to swap out the furnace filter and keep air ducts clean in order to maximize heating efficiency, few take the time to think about the relationship between ventilation and indoor air quality. Modern buildings are constructed to be air-tight. While this type of design can help you reduce energy costs, it can have a negative effect on air quality. [Read More]

Two Technology Features To Ask About During Air Conditioning Repair

In the heat of summer, you just can't wait to get back home, open your front door, and feel the cool rush of air that greets you thanks to your home cooling system. When that cooling effect is absent because your air conditioner needs repairs, it can feel a little like home is less welcoming than what it should be. If your air conditioner is down for repairs, why not take the opportunity to get familiar with some of the ways you could have the technician make improvements while they are there. [Read More]

3 Tips For Shutting Down Your Home's Gas Furnace In The Spring

Once the weather has warmed up in the springtime, you may be ready to get rid of your heater for the season so you can crank up the air conditioner. If so, once the threat of cold weather has passed, use the following tips to shut down your home's gas furnace in preparation for the warm, summer months. 1.  Extinguish the Pilot and Turn Off the Power When you feel you no longer need your furnace, the first thing you should do is turn it off. [Read More]

The Importance Of Ductwork Repairs When Installing A New Central AC System

Choosing to replace an old central air conditioning unit with a new one is a great idea if the system is old and not running very efficiently. When the HVAC company comes to your home to complete this task, they will not only remove the old system and attach the new one, but they will also examine, repair, and replace your existing ductwork system if it needs any work. The ductwork for the system is a vital component, and that is why the company will evaluate it and make any necessary repairs. [Read More]